Fishing: establishment of the permanent sectoral committee for scientific research and technological development

The permanent sectoral committee for scientific research and technological development of the fishing and fish production sector was set up Monday in Algiers, said a press release from the ministry.

Chaired by the Minister of fishing and Fisheries Production, Hicham Sofiane Salaouatchi, the installation ceremony took place on the sidelines of the first ordinary session of the committee organized by videoconference, said the same source.

This permanent sectoral committee is responsible, among other things, for making use of scientific research, technological development and innovation for the implementation of the Government’s Action Plan in its component related to the achievement of food security, in accordance with the strategy of the Ministry of Fisheries and fish production.

It is made up of eminent researchers, representatives of various sectors, fishing and aquaculture professionals, as well as associations for the protection of the marine environment, the statement said.

Ahmed Achour