Several judicial councils across the country have begun releasing scores of activists, who are either in pre-trial detention or eventually ordered to have their sentences reduced in the form of an undisclosed “amnesty”.
The judicial authorities, from yesterday Wednesday, suddenly released dozens of prisoners involved in the so-called “cases known as “of opinion” or “prisoners of conscience”.
In this context, the judicial authorities has released Brahim Lalami from Ain Oussara prison in the wilaya of Djelfa, imprisoned since July 2021 and sentenced to 6 years in prison, and journalist Abdelkarim Zeghlich from Constantine prison and his supporters for membership and apology of terrorist acts, Ali Derrar de Jijel and Didine Bouzira were also released In Tlemcen, Lazhar Zouaimia, an engineer residing in Canada, was recently imprisoned on charges related to the terrorism, militants such as Belghit Hossam Edine , Chaib Merabet, and others have also been released.
Observers believe that this move carries messages of appeasement and wisdom from the country’s high authorities on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, with the aim of overcoming the repercussions of the February 22, 2019 Hirak and its results. at the political level, by providing positive signals to the calls for calm and the opening of the political field to create a space for dialogue and exchange.
Ahmed Achour