Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to the European Commission

The Algerian mission to the European Union deplores the haste with which the European Commission reacted without prior consultation or any verification with the Algerian government to Algeria’s suspension of a bilateral political treaty with a European partner, in this case Spain, without ensuring that this measure affects neither directly nor indirectly its commitments contained in the Algeria-European Union Association Agreement.

Regarding the alleged measure by the Government to stop current transactions with a European partner, it only exists in the minds of those who claim it and those who have hastened to stigmatize it.

Moreover, and with regard to gas deliveries to Spain, Algeria has already made it known by the most authoritative voice, that of the President of the Republic, that it will continue to honor all its commitments made in this context, it is up to the commercial companies concerned to assume all of their contractual commitments.

Ahmed Achour