President of France Algeria Association will soon arrive in the country

As of next week, president of France Algeria Friendship Association, Arnaud MONTEBOURG, will arrive in Algeria, at the invitation of the country’s high authorities, to attend the celebrations marking the sixtieth anniversary of Algeria’s independence, July 5, 1962.

A press release published on the association’s website and signed by its president, Arnaud MONTEBOURG, also includes indications that “these two countries can become the best friends in the world” because “French of today, in their immense majority, wish to have good relations with Algeria”.

The occasion, according to the same press release, is also a historic opportunity for the two countries to “engage in future projects, in agricultural, industrial, energy, technological, digital, academic fields, in cooperation in health, in co-editions, joint film productions.”

The president of the Association France Algérie also expressed his wishes so that “a new beginning of our relations is generated based on friendship, esteem, respect”.

Ahmed Achour