National Gendarmerie units inspected 109 traffic accidents across the various wilayas of the country, which caused 63 deaths and 227 injuries, during the period from July 21 to 26.
A press release from the national gendarmerie specifies that the accidents were examined in Chlef, Oum El Bouaghi, Batna, Biskra, Bouira, Tamanrasset, Tlemcen, Tiaret, Algiers, Djelfa, Jijel, Sétif, Skikda, Sidi Bel Abbas, Constantine, Guelma, Medea Mostaganem, Msila, Ouargla, Oran, Medea, Boumerdes, Khenchela, Souk Ahras, Tipaza, Mila, Ain Defla, Naama, Ain Temouchent and Ghardaia.
In the same period, units of the National Gendarmerie seized 102,985 hallucinogenic tablets of various types, and an amount of 1,112,900 dinars, and 550 Tunisian dinars from the product of trade in these toxins.
These operations resulted in the arrest of 23 people, and 6 means of transport, in Biskra, Bachar, Bouira, Tébessa, Sidi Bel Abbas, Msila, Boumerdes, Tindouf, Ghardaïa and Bani Abbas.
In the area of alcoholic beverages, the gendarmerie units were able to seize 27,675 bottles of various types and formats, a sum of money of 85,000 dinars, with the seizure of 4 means of transport, and the arrest of 6 people .
These operations were carried out in Batna, Béjaïa, Tiaret, Tizi Ouzou, Mostaganem, Oran, Tipaza and El M’Ghair, the statement added.
The same services also managed, between July 21 and 27, to seize 17 quintals and 61 kilograms of tobacco, more than 71 thousand bags of the same substance, 2,600 cartons of cigarettes, 3 means of transport, with the arrest of nine people in Tébessa and Constantin, Mila and Ghardaïa.