Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, pleaded Friday in Bamako for concrete measures with the aim of leading the process of full implementation of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali from the Algiers process to its successful conclusion.
“At this decisive stage in the history of Mali, we are all called upon to renew, individually and collectively, our commitment to the process of full implementation of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali resulting from the process of Algiers and to match words with action by taking concrete measures with the aim of bringing this process to a successful conclusion”, indicated Lamamra in his speech at the opening of the work of the sixth High Level Meeting. of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali resulting from the Algiers process.
“It is certainly a heavy responsibility, but the noble objectives that we have set ourselves are well worth the effort,” he added.
According to the head of Algerian diplomacy, the sixth high-level meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in Mali resulting from the Algiers process “takes place in an encouraging and promising Malian context” .
In this regard, the Minister underlined that “this meeting is being held at a time when this brotherly and friendly country has undertaken major institutional reforms aimed at carrying out a profound overhaul of the State and national institutions, thus offering new opportunities to meet all the legitimate expectations of the populations for a better future in reconciliation, peace and unity”.
On the one hand, adds Lamamra, “it was preceded, barely three weeks ago, by the High-Level Decision-Making Meeting, which highlighted the fundamental importance of diligent application of the Agreement in its completeness as a guarantee of the success of the transitional phase and the culmination of the reforms undertaken in this context”.
“This meeting above all sent a strong signal of the firm will of all the signatory parties to accelerate the process of implementing the Agreement and to combine their efforts to this end,” he said.
And to add: “these are two messages of paramount importance for consolidating the positive dynamics of peace and national reconciliation in this great country. Messages perfectly understood, highly welcomed and sincerely supported by the international community represented in the within this Monitoring Committee”.
Mr. Lamamra also underlined that “it is with satisfaction that this Friday’s meeting takes note of this renewed determination by all the signatories of the Agreement to definitively dispel doubt and suspicion and to work together in a climate of mutual trust to promote the convergences and compromises necessary to achieve the objectives of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement resulting from the Algiers process”.
“We are all convinced that the difficulties which still remain to be resolved are far from being insurmountable, provided that the good intentions expressed in recent weeks can be translated into concrete actions which place the supreme interest of the Malian nation above any other. consideration,” he said.
In particular, he said that “the real enemy of Mali and Malians remains the scourge of terrorism and transnational organized crime, the expansion of which feeds on internal divisions and the lack of economic prospects for the population, especially young people”.
This is why, he continued, “this meeting should allow us to open a sincere debate with the Malian actors present to reach a common vision with a view to overcoming the obstacles that are delaying the implementation of the provisions fundamental aspects of the Agreement, the interest of which should not be limited to political, institutional, defense or security issues, but should also make it possible to ensure appropriate management of the other aspects concerning, in particular, economic and social development, reconciliation, justice and humanitarian issues”.
Ahmed Achour