The interest granted by the Algerian ulama to the Sira of the prophet PBUH evoked in Nouakchott

The President of the High Islamic Council (HIC), Bouabdallah Ghlamallah highlighted the efforts made by the Algerian ulemas to highlight the Sira (biography) of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), and this, during the work of the International Conference on the biography of the PBUH prophet, held in Nouakchott (Mauritania), indicates Saturday a press release of the HIC.

Speaking on Friday during the 1st day of work of the 35th International Conference on the Biography of the Prophet PBUH and the Colloquium of the Association of Muslim Scholars, held from October 21 to 23, Mr. Ghlamallah highlighted “the role and efforts of the Algerian ulemas having been among the first to take an interest in the biography of the Prophet PBUH and to inspire noble humanitarian values ​​and principles, citing examples of ulemas who have written dozens of books in this field”.

He also noted “the positions of the Algerian ulemas and leaders during different periods of history, like the positions taken by the Emir Abdelkader in his resistance against the French occupier, positions that have become a model that inspired international charters and treaties thereafter”.

Recalling the positions of the Glorious Liberation Revolution which was “a pioneering example of resistance and the dissemination of peace and attachment to living together”, the same official underlined “the difference between resistance to restore legitimate rights of peoples to self-determination and between aggression and the plunder of resources”.

As a reminder, the 35th international conference of the biography of the Prophet QSSL is organized by the Islamic Cultural Rally in Mauritania and West Africa.