Algeria came in the second category of the ranking of the interactive map showing the growth rates of the countries of the world, published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in a report on the outlook for the world economy of the month of October, with a growth rate of 4.7% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at the end of the current year, as it is considered one of the fastest growth rates in the world.
Algeria ranked in an interactive map showing the growth rates of countries around the world, divided into 5 categories, from fastest to slowest, among countries whose rates fluctuate between 3 and 6%, such as China with 3.2%, Canada with 3.3%, Australia with 3.8% and Turkey with 5%.
This comes at a time when the global economy is experiencing geopolitical tensions and fears of a recession in the US economy that will spread to the European Union and Asia over the next year, as the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war have increased the pressure on the world economies through the door of inflation, while the countries of the European Union are faced with the shortage of gas necessary for the production of electricity, this which casts a negative shadow over their economies.
Algeria came first among the Maghreb economies in terms of growth rate compared to Morocco with 0.8%, Tunisia with 2.2%, Libya with -18.5% and Mauritania with 4%.
Algeria’s GDP growth rate is also the fastest in the Western Mediterranean region, which also includes Italy at 3.2%, France at 2.5% and Spain at 4. 3%.
Ahmed Achour