Arab Summit: adoption of a unified vision to strengthen joint Arab action

The national press appearing on Monday emphasized the adoption of a unified vision with a view to strengthening joint Arab action, highlighting “consensus on all issues” and “perfect organization” on D-1 of the 31st session of the Arab summit to be hosted by Algiers on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Crossing its front page with the title “Consensus on all issues”, the daily Horizons illustrated it with a significant photo of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ramtane Lamamra, surrounded by the Secretary General of the League Arab, Ahmed Aboul Gheit and the Tunisian MFA Othman Jerandi, whose country ceded the presidency of the summit to Algeria.

In meaning, the commentary, signed by the director of the publication of this tabloid, under the title “Chronicle” of an announced success”, underlines that the success of the 31st Arab summit is beyond doubt”, noting that “the consensus sought since the opening of the preparatory meetings is in order”.

The daily also stressed that the Arab summit in Algiers will be devoted to “the unification of ranks and the adoption of a unified vision with a view to strengthening joint Arab action”, without failing to highlight “the influential role of Algerian diplomacy, under the impetus of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune”.

El Moudjahid, who devoted a large space to this event, chose for its front page the title “Convergence on all issues”, noting in its inside pages that the participants in the work of the meeting of MAEs, called for this summit to be “a meeting to take decisive action towards the unification of Arab positions and allow the world to regain its stability”.

Along the same lines, La Nation reported that the Arab MAEs “are counting on the Algiers summit to face international challenges”, as did the Quotidien d’Oran which highlighted “converging approaches after frank discussions deep”.

The publication returned to the “marathon meetings” of Arab MAEs to “strike consensus” and announced, moreover, that the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, should arrive in Algiers on the evening of Monday and will deliver a speech at the opening of the Arab summit on Tuesday”.

Le Soir d’Algérie, which also devoted extensive coverage to this event, reported that “the agenda of the Arab summit was adopted during the meeting of MAEs” during which “all the thorny subjects were dealt with “. The same publication returned to the reform of the Arab League while dwelling on Algeria’s proposals, namely “the need to move towards an overhaul of the common mode of action”.

In its commentary, the daily El Watan considered that “we must relaunch the dialogue between Arab sovereigns and heads of state who have lost the habit of talking and listening to each other”, noting that “the summit of ‘Algiers is doing it, in that it is historic’.

The daily El Massa also devoted a complete dossier to the summit with several articles in which the publication addressed the different aspects of this event. The newspaper thus crossed out its front page with the title “Algeria Summit…A new birth for the Arabs.”

The same daily returned in its various articles to the impressions of Arab media professionals who are present in force in Algeria in order to ensure wide coverage of this event, who have expressed their “admiration and satisfaction” as to “the perfect organization of the event and all the facilities they enjoy”.

This same tabloid also returned to the inspection visit made by the Minister of Communication, Mohamed Bouslimani to the International Conference Center where “all the conditions are met to facilitate the task of the national and foreign media”, which are called upon to ensure “coverage at the height of the event”.

Regarding the objectives of the summit, El Massa headlined “The hopes of the Arab peoples for the reunification and unification of visions”, stressing that the Algiers summit aims to “build consensus and adopt a unified vision for strengthen joint Arab action and thus materialize the hopes of all Arab peoples eager for unity, progress and development”.