The CEO of Naftal, Abdelkader Chafi, told Chlef on Tuesday that the company is working for a transition to renewable energies, in particular hybrid energies and electric terminals.
“The Naftal company is currently working to make the energy transition a reality and to provide modern services, particularly in the field of hybrid energy and electric terminals”, indicated Mr. Chafi in a statement to the press, on the sidelines of the meeting. launch of an awareness campaign on the risks associated with the use of butane gas cylinders, in the town of Beni Bouatab, south-east of Chlef.
The same official added that after the coverage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) needs and its generalization across the country, thanks to the creation of centers specialized in the installation of LPG Kits in each wilaya, the company “Naftal plans to move towards a new strategy, the energy transition through electric terminals and hybrid energy”.
“This strategy is in line with the specifications for importing vehicles using new energies and electrical energy and aims to provide these services to this type of vehicle”, specified the CEO of Naftal.
The wilaya of Chlef has benefited from numerous projects for the extension and rehabilitation of various oil installations, in accordance with the safety and quality standards required in the field, while preserving the environment, Chafi also revealed.
He mentioned in particular the production center for gas cylinders in the commune of Oued Sly, which will be connected to the Arzew-Algiers pipeline, in addition to an operation to extend the storage capacities of this energy installation, called to become a regional hub for covering demand from neighboring wilayas.
The same official, who affirmed the supply of butane gas cylinders and the expansion of the use of propane gas for heating in schools in the wilaya, pointed out that to date, 133 schools have this energy. , pending the extension of the operation to a hundred other establishments during the next year.
The CEO of Naftal, accompanied by the Wali of Chlef, Atallah Moulati, kicked off an awareness caravan on the risks associated with the use of butane gas canisters, under the slogan “A winter in warm and safe”, from the “Chahid Sebouh Tahar” school in Beni Bouatab.
He explained that the choice of Chlef for the launch of this national awareness caravan is dictated by “the number of gas-related accidents recorded due to the high use of butane gas in the wilaya”.
On site, instructions and advice on the proper use of butane gas cylinders and the safety conditions for their storage were given by the Naftal maintenance manager and a representative of the civil protection services of the wilaya.
It should also be noted that storage lockers, educational tools, school bags and school supplies were offered on occasion by the Naftal company for the benefit of students in the Beni Bouatab region.