Moroccan regime resorts to anti-Semitism-related accusations to discredit, demonize opponents

BY: Hana Saada

ALGIERS- The insidious use of anti-Semitism as a tool to silence political opponents is a deeply concerning trend that has emerged in Morocco. This alarming development has been brought to light by the plight of two Moroccan journalists, Dounia and Adnan Filali, who are currently residing in France. Despite possessing the right to political asylum, these journalists have been forced to embark on an open-ended hunger strike in protest against the complicity of the Paris authorities with the Rabat regime, which seeks to deport them.

The Moroccan journalists have been vocal advocates for human rights, and their courageous reporting has earned them the wrath of the Moroccan government. In an attempt to silence their voices, the regime has resorted to using anti-Semitic rhetoric to discredit and demonize them. This reprehensible tactic not only violates the Filalis’ human rights but also undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and freedom of speech.

In a statement released to the press, the journalists declared their unwavering commitment to their cause: “We began an open-ended hunger strike on Friday, June 2, 2023, and we will not end it until our safety is ensured, and our rights as political refugees are respected.”

After facing obstacles in pursuing their journalistic activities in China, the couple made the difficult decision to leave the country and relocate to France. Despite France’s “reputation for upholding values such as liberty, equality, and fraternity”, the couple’s move has been paradoxical due to the ongoing persecution they are facing as human rights defenders.

The Moroccan regime, with the complicity of certain French state bodies, has deprived Dounia and Adnane Filali of their legal, human, material, and security rights. This has resulted in two years of unprecedented persecution, which has taken a toll on their psychological and physical well-being.

The constant pressure, threats, and uncertainty surrounding their legal status and future have generated intense stress, affecting their mental well-being and ability to continue their work as journalists and human rights defenders. Furthermore, the deprivation of medical care, housing, and financial assistance as political refugees in France has worsened their state of health, making them even more vulnerable to persecution from the Moroccan regime.

It is crucial that the international community take action to protect the rights of human rights defenders like Dounia and Adnane Filali. Their unwavering commitment to promoting freedom of expression and upholding human rights should be celebrated, not punished. It is time for the Moroccan regime to end its persecution of these individuals and for the French government to provide them with the support and protection they deserve.