Algeria, Russia hold in-depth, fruitful discussions, bilateral relations, topical issues tackled

Algeria, Russia hold in-depth, fruitful discussions, bilateral relations, topical issues tackled

By: Hana Saada


ALGIERS– The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Mr. Amar Belani received, on Wednesday, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Algeria, Valerian Shuvaev, indicated a press release from the ministry.

During this meeting, the two parties had “in-depth and fruitful” discussions on the means of strengthening Algerian-Russian relations and raising bilateral cooperation to high levels, able to meet the aspirations expressed during the phone talks that the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune had with his Russian counterpart, Mr. Vladimir Putin on January 31, read the press release.

To this end, the two parties emphasized “the need to ensure good preparation for the next bilateral meetings, in particular the state visit that the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, intends to make, next May, to Russia, to give a more consistent and more diversified content to the global strategic partnership that the two countries aspire to establish”, indicated the same source.

In this context, Mr. Belani stressed the need to redouble efforts to increase the volume of trade between Algeria and Russia, through “a broader and more balanced trade balance structure “, added the press release.

Belani called, in this context, Russian companies and businessmen to “increase their direct investments in Algeria and to exploit the great opportunities offered on the Algerian market within the framework of the new investment law which confers great legislative and organizational stability and better visibility for foreign investors, thanks to the advantages offered by Algeria’s strategic geographical position, being a gateway to the promising African market”, highlighted the same source.

Referring to the tense international situation, Mr. Belani told his Russian guest that the expansion of centers of conflict in the world “imposes today and more than ever, the imperative to strengthen multilateral action and encourage culture of dialogue and the peaceful resolution of conflicts”.

Algeria has never ceased to plead for the establishment of balanced international relations and a multipolar world, he maintained.

The meeting was “an opportunity to discuss several issues of common interest, such as the fruitful cooperation between the two countries within the framework of OPEC+ and the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF), hence the importance to consolidate it further in the context of the fluctuations marking the world energy market and the process of Algeria’s accession to the BRICS.

The two parties also reviewed the latest developments in the question of Western Sahara against the background of the challenges brought about by the stubborn and irresponsible position of the Moroccan Kingdom which refuses to comply with international legality as well as its blatant maneuvers aimed at hindering the process of decolonization of occupied Western Sahara”, concluded the same source.