Algeria to Host International Conference on Terrorism, Co-Chaired with the USA
BY: Hana Saada
Algiers, September 5, 2023 – In a significant move aimed at addressing the pressing global issue of terrorism, Algeria has announced its plan to host an international conference on terrorism, co-chaired with the United States of America. This announcement follows the recent decision by Swiss authorities to prosecute retired General Nezzar for crimes and torture committed during the Black Decade. The conference, which was originally scheduled for the previous year but was postponed, will gather international, regional, and continental organizations along with traditional partners such as Canada and Germany.
The conference, spearheaded by Algeria, underlines the country’s unique and determined fight against terrorist groups, a battle it has waged independently. The Algerian government has emphasized the international recognition of its unwavering efforts in combating terrorism without external support.
While the date of the conference has not yet been finalized, it is expected to address a wide range of critical topics related to terrorism and its global impact. Key areas of discussion include the identification of terrorism and the profiles of terrorists, the operational tactics of terrorist organizations, the root causes of terrorism, sources of terrorist financing, and the connections between terrorist groups and criminal networks.
One crucial issue to be explored during the conference is the controversial practice of paying ransoms for the release of hostages held by terrorist groups. Algeria, a vocal proponent of criminalizing ransom payments within the United Nations, argues that such payments strengthen terrorist organizations by providing them with the financial means to expand their operations and recruit new members. The conference will serve as a platform for sharing insights into different countries’ approaches to combating this issue, including Algeria and the United States.
Algeria’s multifaceted approach to countering the rise of extremism and radicalization will also be a significant focus of the conference. The integrated global strategy advocated by Algeria combines security measures with socio-economic development initiatives. Recognizing that poverty, marginalization, and the lack of economic opportunities are primary drivers of radicalization, particularly in the impoverished Sahel region, Algeria seeks to address these underlying issues through comprehensive development programs.
The Sahel countries, which are among the poorest and least developed in the world, have become a hotbed for terrorist activity. To effectively combat terrorism in Africa and elsewhere, the conference will emphasize the need for collective military efforts. Many Sahel nations lack the training, modern equipment, and financial support required to combat terrorism effectively. Algeria’s approach highlights the importance of targeted socio-economic development programs to complement security measures.
In conclusion, the upcoming international conference on terrorism, co-chaired by Algeria and the United States, represents a significant step in addressing the complex and global issue of terrorism. With a comprehensive agenda covering various aspects of terrorism and its root causes, the conference aims to foster cooperation and generate solutions to enhance global security and promote socio-economic development.