Beginning of the government meeting devoted to the complementary development program of Tissemsilt

The government meeting devoted to the development program of the wilaya of Tissesmilt began on Wednesday, under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Mr. Aïmene Benabderrahmane.

The agenda of the government meeting, which is being held at the headquarters of the wilaya of Tissemsilt, will be devoted to the study and discussion of the roadmap for the implementation of the complementary development program adopted by the Council of Ministers, last Sunday.

The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, had ordered the Government, during the Council of Ministers last Sunday, to hold its meeting on the complementary development program of Tissemsilt, Wednesday, in this wilaya and to begin its implementation work on the ground, after the approval of the Council of Ministers.

The President of the Republic underlined that during this Government Council, a number of points must be taken into account, in particular “the acceleration of the completion of the works of the railway line linking Tissemsilt and Boughezoul and the initiation of road rehabilitation works linking the wilaya of Tissemsilt with other wilayas” with “the approval of the project for the dual carriageway of the national road N 14 linking the wilaya of Tissemsilt to Khemis Miliana in the wilaya of Aïn Defla over a distance of 84 km, in addition to its redevelopment”.

He also instructed the government to take into account, during this meeting, the question of “strengthening the rural construction program of the wilaya in line with its agricultural and tourist character, with the allocation of land bases to allow families to find the renowned crafts of the region”.

This government meeting in Tissemsilt is the second of its kind to be held outside the capital. The wilaya of Khenchela had hosted a similar meeting, on December 12, 2021, devoted to the complementary development program of this wilaya, it is recalled.