Beldjoud salutes the police forces efforts in securing the 60th anniversary festivities of Independence and Youth Day

Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and Regional Planning, Kamal Beldjoud praised the efforts of the police forces and all the other security forces, in securing the festivities marking the 60th anniversary of the recovery of the national sovereignty throughout the national territory and the 19th edition of the Mediterranean Games in Oran, said Wednesday a press release from the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN).

“Minister of the Interior, Local Authorities and Regional Planning, Kamal Beldjoud sent a message of congratulations to all the police forces for their tireless efforts alongside all the other security forces, in securing the exceptional festivities experienced by all regions of the country in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Independence, but also for the high sense of professionalism shown by the police forces in supporting the 19th edition of the Games Mediterranean people of Oran. Mr. Beldjoud expressed his deep consideration to the members and affiliates of the National Security Corps, for their significant participation in the success of these events”, the statement said.