President of National People’s Assembly (APN), Brahim Boughali received, on Thursday, the Secretary General of the High Commissioner for Amazighity (HCA), Si El Hachemi Assad who paid him a courtesy visit, indicated a statement from the meeting.
The meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the assembly, made it possible to become acquainted with “the activities of the HCA in terms of research and publishing, and the main achievements accomplished for its development, Amazighity being one of of the foundations of the national identity and one of the main factors of unity of the Algerian people, rich in its diversity and its components”, specifies the same source.
On this occasion, Assad presented “the strategy of the Commissioner in the promotion and generalization of the Amazigh language to be a civilizational and cultural lever which works to strengthen national unity and responds to the aspirations of the President of the Republic to gather and unify ranks and to block the way to those who want to sell off the foundations of the Nation and its inseparable components”.