Call to condemn Zionist crimes against the Palestinian people

The Fatah movement called on Friday on the international community to condemn the crimes of the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people and to put an end to the policy of “double standards”.

In a statement, Revolutionary Council member and Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmi called on “the countries of the world, the United Nations and the Security Council to condemn the crimes (of the Zionist entity) against the Palestinian people and banish the politics of double standards”.

And to add: “We remind the world that there is a Palestinian people who are occupied and oppressed. They are suffering all forms of abuse, murder, torture, displacement, demolition of houses (by entity).

“Is Palestinian blood for some people second-class blood? Is humanity classified according to race and color?” he asked, calling on the world to issue “a real cry in the face of the (Zionist) occupier to compel it to put an end to its occupation of the State of Palestine”.

Ahmed Achour