ALGIERS- The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, sent a message on Sunday on the eve of the celebration of National Memory Day, commemorating the anniversary of the massacres of May 8, 1945.
“The Algerian people celebrate the National Day of Memory, commemorating the anniversary of the abominable massacres perpetrated on May 8th, 1945,” said President Tebboune, adding: “Our glorious people achieved grandiose historical feats and epics, which will remain deeply engraved in our memory to further strengthen our pride and consolidate national cohesion and the spirit of militancy and resistance.”
“Throughout its centuries-old history, Algeria has given birth to generations of resistant and militant patriots, witnesses of its attachment to the ideals of freedom and dignity,” he further noted.
“May 8, 1945, the date we instituted the National Day of Memory, is just another strong expression of the spirit of resistance rooted in the nation and its attachment to these noble ideals. The voices of the fervent patriots resounded in Sétif, Guelma, Kherrata, and other cities on this day, laying bare the horror and cruelty of the appalling massacres perpetrated by the colonizing fanatics,” added President Tebboune.
And to add: “This crime against humanity subsequently triggered the process of internationalization of the Algerian cause and its registration on the agenda of the United Nations (UN).”
Faithful to the immeasurable sacrifices made, with bravery and honor, by the Algerian people, the state is resolved, in New Algeria, haughty and loyal, to put the file of history and memory on a path that will ensure total transparency, integrity, and objectivity, far from any concession or haggling.
“In this regard, we have repeatedly affirmed our resolute determination to defend the rights of the Algerian people by dealing, with courage and fairness, with the question of history and memory,” the President stressed.