Digital government portal: “a pivotal step” in the modernization of the administration

Prime Minister, Mr. Aïmene Benabderrahmane affirmed, Wednesday in Algiers, that the launch of the Digital Government Portal of Public Services was “a pivotal step in the relaunch of the process of digitization and modernization of public administration and its bringing closer to the citizen “.

During the work of the official launch of the digital government portal of digitized public services at the International Conference Center (CIC) “Abdellatif Rahal”, Mr. Benabderrahmane said that the launch of this digital government portal of public services was “a pivotal step in relaunching the process of digitization and modernization of public administration and bringing it closer to the citizen, within the framework of the national digital transition strategy which will enable our country to achieve and strengthen digital sovereignty in the light technological challenges and the risks of growing cyber-attacks, in particular that our country is not immune to these risks”.

The portal “is a very important step on the way to the realization of the program of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who promised, in his 25th commitment, the realization of the digital transition, the generalization of the use of ICT, in particular in the administrations and public structures and the improvement of the governance of the economic field”, continued the Prime Minister.

He underlined, in this sense, that the Government had dedicated this commitment in its action plan to the component relating to the modernization of public administration and bringing the administration closer to the citizen, in particular through access to quality public services accessible to all.

On this occasion, Mr. Benabderrahmane said that Algeria’s strategy in the field of digital transition “is essentially based on the development of telecommunications infrastructure, and which is based on an anticipatory approach through the launch of investments important and quality, in particular in terms of connection to the international Internet network and the increase in capacity in terms of connection to the fixed and mobile Internet network, while increasing the speed”.

The government portal contains more than 300 digitized public services belonging to 29 ministerial departments, thus offering citizens the opportunity to access, in real time 24 hours a day, 7/7, all the digitized public services provided by the various administrations, and to consult information relating to the various administrative measures, without having to travel, adds Mr. Benabderrahmane.

“Great importance has been given to this project by the high authorities of the country, because of its vital role in promoting unified access to digitized services, which spares the citizen the constraint of looking for digitized public services and the loss of time consulting several official sites or sectoral portals given their multiplicity”, he argued, stressing that “electronic governance is today an essential factor in anchoring the principles of good governance and the foundations of the rule of law, through the simplification of administrative measures and the guarantee of quality public services to the citizen”.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister called on young creators “to fully adhere” to the digitization process, through the production of quality national digital content and the wise use of information and communication technologies” .

For his part, the Minister of Digitization and Statistics, Hocine Cherhabil stressed that this feat is the result of the efforts made by a group of national skills, and the essential or even elementary link in the process of global reforms undertaken by the State, under the judicious guidance of the President of the Republic to provide the citizen with quality service.

The meeting was punctuated by an exhaustive presentation on the stages of realization of the governmental portal of the public service, in addition to an explanatory presentation on the methods of access.