BY: Hana Saada
ALGIERS- Associations and organizations launched during the month of Ramadan several charitable and voluntary actions for the benefit of needy families and people with specific needs, in the wilaya of El-Méniaâ, said, Sunday, the organizers.
These charities have focused, in particular, on the handing over, by the Department of Social Action and Solidarity (DASS), with the assistance of the Algerian Red Crescent (CRA) and more than twenty associations, of more than 1,800 parcels of foodstuffs for the benefit of poor families in the three municipalities of the wilaya, said sector director Mohamed Merrouche.
In addition to these charitable actions carried out as part of the consecration of mutual aid and solidarity in this month of piety and fervor, 800-plus parcels of food products were also given to the families of people with needs.
As such, an operation involving the distribution of 700 similar parcels is planned by the association “el Amel” in coordination with the direction of social action and solidarity, indicated its president Abdelhakem Boulanoir.
For its part, “Sawaed-El-Ihssane” is continuing the operation of distributing food parcels for the benefit of this vulnerable layer across the wilaya, said the president of this association, Falkat Sheikh.