FFS announces its participation in the partial local elections in Bejaia and Tizi-Ouzou

Socialist Forces Front (FFS) announced on Saturday its participation in the partial local elections, scheduled for October 15 in six municipalities in the wilayas of Bejaia and Tizi-Ouzou.

FFS specified, in a press release, that this participation takes place “in accordance with the resolution of the Extraordinary National Council (of the party) of September 10, 2021 deciding to participate in the local elections of November 27, 2021”.

The objective of participating in these elections, which concern four municipalities in the wilaya of Bejaia and two other municipalities in the wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou, is to “gain space in the municipal popular assemblies concerned and take advantage of this political meeting to advocate for its vision of local management based on participatory democracy and local solidarity,” notes the FFS press release.

The party also calls on its activists, especially those affected by this deadline, to “work for success in this election and allow the party to achieve the objectives set out through this participation”.