BY: Hana Saada
ALGIERS- On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane presided over a government meeting held at the Government Palace. The weekly session covered various critical topics:
In the Mining Sector:
The government conducted a second review of a draft law governing mining activities, presented by the Minister of Energy and Mines.
This revised version of the draft has been enriched and expanded, taking into account the directives issued during the government meeting on May 31, 2023.
The primary objective of this draft law is to establish a conducive and encouraging legal framework to promote the development of the mining industry.
It sets forth incentives for investors while emphasizing the creation of local job opportunities.
Moreover, the proposed legislation seeks to facilitate technology transfer by encouraging mining companies to share their expertise with local partners, thus bolstering national technological capabilities and reducing dependence on foreign expertise.
In the Financial Sector:
The Minister of Finance presented four executive decree projects, in line with the provisions of Law No. 23-07 dated June 21, 2023, relating to public accounting and financial management rules.
These executive decrees pertain to the following:
Executive Decree Project Defining the Procedures for the Appointment and Approval of Public Accountants: This project aims to establish the conditions and procedures for appointing and approving public servants entrusted with handling public funds and overseeing the regularity of budgetary and financial operations.
Executive Decree Project Establishing the Procedures for the Creation, Organization, Operation, and Control of Revenue and/or Expenditure Accounts: This text outlines the exceptional procedures for executing revenue and/or expenditure accounts, specifically for a category of public revenue or expenses that require urgent processing, beyond normal timelines.
Executive Decree Project Concerning the Procedure for Requisitioning Public Accountants by Authorizing Officers: This project seeks to define practical procedures for requisitioning public accountants by authorizing officers.
Executive Decree Project Specifying the Conditions for Holding Public Accountants Accountable and the Procedures for Clearing Debts: The primary purpose of this decree project is to outline the conditions for holding public accountants, their delegates, and agents under their authority pecuniarily responsible, as well as to detail the notification procedures for public accountants’ debts and the debt-clearance processes.
Furthermore, the Minister of Finance delivered a presentation on the progress of opening the capital of two state-owned banks, namely the Crédit Populaire d’Algérie and the Banque de Développement Local, by introducing them to the stock exchange, in alignment with the Government’s action plan.