BY: Hana Saada
ALGIERS- The Prime Minister, Aïmene Benabderrahmane, chaired this Wednesday, at the Palace of the Government, a meeting of the Government devoted to the examination and presentation of three preliminary bills and an executive decree, as well as the presentation of communications relating to the fields of energy transition and mining.
The Government examined three draft texts relating to the protection and preservation of State lands, general rules relating to public procurement, and forests and forest resources.
The draft bill laying down the general rules relating to public procurement, presented by the Minister of Finance, aims to provide better oversight of public procurement, guarantee their effectiveness, and promote the construction of a productive and competitive economy by promoting both production and local production tools, in particular small or very small businesses and start-ups.
This draft law also aims to better establish the governance of public procurement by ensuring better application of the cardinal principles in connection with freedom of access to public procurement, equal treatment of candidates, transparency of procedures, and the proper use of public funds.
The draft text also provides for the dematerialization of public procurement procedures, which is part of the desire to digitize the administration.
Opening of private air transport companies
During the work of the meeting, the Minister of Transport presented a draft executive decree amending executive decree no. 2000-43 of February 26, 2000, setting the conditions and procedures for the operation of air services.
The modification of this executive decree comes within the framework of the implementation of the instructions of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, relating to the final processing of the files submitted for the opening of private air transport companies meeting international standards.
This approach aims to facilitate the obtaining, by private operators, of concessions in the field of air transport with the aim of making Algeria a hub and a transit gateway to African and Asian countries.