Internet: Algerie Telecom launches a special Ramadan promotion

Algerie Telecom (AT) has been launching a special Ramadhan promotion on its internet services allowing its residential customers to benefit from “exceptional” bonuses of up to 6500 DA, said a press release from the public company on Sunday.

“On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadhan 2022, Algérie Télécom is launching a special promotion on its internet services, which allows all our residential customers to benefit from exceptional Bonuses of up to 6500 DA”, specifies the press release from AT, underlining that this promotional offer is effective since the 1st day of the holy month.

According to the same source, for any new subscription to Algérie Télécom’s Internet offers or increase in speed (switching to higher speed levels) on the Idoom FIBER or Idoom ADSL services, AT customers will benefit from bonuses.

Thus, the residential customer of Algeria Telecom with a speed of 15 Megabits (Mbps) for a monthly rate of 1999 DA will benefit from a bonus of 1000 DA and those with a speed of 20 Mbps for a monthly rate of 2599 DA will benefit from a bonus of 1700 DA.

Concerning the customer having a flow of 50 Mbps with a monthly tariff of 3599 DA will benefit from a bonus of 2800 DA and that having a flow of 100 Mbps with a monthly tariff of 6599 DA will benefit from a bonus of 6500 DA.

Algérie Télécom invites its customers to consult its website or by contacting the telephone number 12 for more information.

Ahmed Achour