BY/ Hana Saada
ALGIERS- The Manadjim El-Djazair (Manal) group has started the construction of several processing units as part of the strategy to promote mining products, some of which will come into service in the coming days.
This was announced, on Monday in Algiers, by the group’s chief executive officer (CEO), Mohamed Sakhr Harami, who was the guest of the channel 1 radio forum.
Mr. Harami clarified that “the strategy adopted by the Ministry of Energy consists in exporting the recovered mining materials, as well as the construction of factories for this purpose”. “We have started, at the group level, the construction of several processing plants, some of which will enter into service in the coming days,” he continued.
He recalled, in this regard, the bentonite factories in Meghnia (Tlemcen), carbonate factories in Sig (Mascara) and El Kheroub, in addition to the feldspar production unit in Annaba and dolomite (Oum El Bouaghi), one of the iron components.
These plants, which are at the final stage of construction and some of which have entered service, will help ensure the availability of the raw materials needed by industry in several sectors.