BY: Hana Saada
ALGIERS- President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has signed several decrees ending the terms of various officials at the Ministry of Finance.
According to a decree dated November 20, 2023, published in official gazette No. 72, the President has terminated the functions of Mr. Sid Ahmed Saidi, the president of the Financial Intelligence Unit (CTRF), a specialized body created under the Ministry of Finance.
The same official journal also reports the end of the functions, “at his request,” of Nadjib Djouama, the director of socio-cultural program budgets at the General Budget Directorate within the Ministry of Finance.
The same gazette also announced the termination of the functions of the head of the Cadastral and Land Conservation Division at the General Directorate of National Domain within the Ministry of Finance. Mr. Farid Arzani, who held this position, is now appointed, according to the official journal, as Inspector General of Services for the National Domain, Cadastre, and Land Conservation at the General Directorate of the National Domain.
President Abdelmadjid Tebboune also signed a decree terminating the functions of the deputy director of infrastructure and equipment at the General Directorate of Taxes within the Ministry of Finance, Ms. Fatiha Douib. The decree specifies that she is “retired.”
Regarding the Ministry of Finance, the President has also appointed Ms. Sabrina Boumezbeur as the Director of Mission at the Inspectorate General of Finance.
The official gazette also reported, among other changes, the end of the terms of two officials at the Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and the Status of Women. This includes the deputy director of women’s social and economic integration and the deputy director of heritage and general resources.