Neocolonists’ mouthpiece Kamel Daoud tries, once more, to flare up tensions between Algiers and Paris ahead of President Tebboune visit to France
BY: Hana Saada
ALGIERS- The columnist of the French media “Le Point”, and the mouthpiece of the neocolonists, Kamel Daoud tries, once again, to defend “French Algeria” and flare up tensions between Algiers and Paris.
In a column published by the French Magazine in its latest issue, the neocolonized par excellence; the languished in the colonial yoke, Daoud attempts to sow disaccord between France and Algeria ahead of President Tebboune visit to the European country slated for the next month. A move aimed to torpedo the efforts deployed by the presidents of the two states to open up new horizons, declaring new and irreversible dynamic of progress in their nations’ ties.
His ultimate goal is to thwart President tebboune’s endeavors to resolve all outstanding files with France, including, among others, the memory issue and the repatriation of the skulls of Algerian Mujahedeen, serving the vicious agendas of hostile forces that resist against the rapprochement between Algeria and France and obstruct the progress of Algerian-French relations.
Earlier, President Macron, during a press conference on his strategy in Africa, pointed the finger at those who “try to pinpoint adventures”. He confirmed he would continue to “move forward” to strengthen France’s relationship with Algeria, beyond the “controversies,” slamming those who “try to pinpoint adventures” and had an interest in blocking the way of reconciliation with Algeria.”
That’s true! Since the visit of the French president, Emmanuel Macron, to Algeria last August, which ended a period of high tension between the two capitals, the deep state in the former colony has been shuffling its cards, depending on its mouthpieces, including Kamel Daoud.
In his latest gaffe, the propagandist who does not hide his fondness and reverence for the extremist Franco-Colonial movement began to question the intentions of the Algerian authorities ahead of this visit, seeking to abort any positive outcome, evoking what he called “anti-French sentiments in Algeria”, in order to stir up crises that would harm the interests of Algeria.
He advocated a tutelary logic in resolving the Algerian files, a reasoning stripping from the colonial practices with the aim to influence Algeria’ sovereign stances and its interaction with its regional and international environment, a cooperation based on mutual interests with a total respect of the principle of independence of States and peer-to-peer approach.
Undoubtedly, the pioneer role of New Algeria regionally and internationally and its political, social and economic gains have fueled the rage of the ignominious traitors who disgracefully bowed down to nefarious parties known for their profound rancor towards our fortified Algeria, its great people and the achievements made in many fields, in record time, under the new adopted orientation.
He is one of the handful henchmen of colonial infamy, haunted by their chronic hostility to Algeria. But, far-fetched, despite their virulent campaigns, the far-sighted vision of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, will borne fruits.