President Tebboune grants Algerian nationality to Archbishop of Algiers Jean-Paul Vesco
By: Hana Saada
ALGIERS – The President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune has granted Algerian nationality to the Archbishop of Algiers, Mgr. Jean-Paul Vesco, by virtue of a presidential decree.
“Is naturalized Algerian in accordance with the terms and conditions of article 10 of the ordinance n 70-86 of 17 Chaoual of the year 1390 of the hegira, corresponding to December 15 of the year 1970, relating to the Algerian Nationality Code, amended and supplemented, the person hereinafter: Vesco Jean-Paul, born March 10, 1962 in Lyon (France) and residing in Oran”, read the presidential decree.
Appointed Archbishop of Algiers in December 2021, Mgr Jean-Paul Vesco, who was previously Bishop of Oran, holds, among other things, a Master’s degree in Business Law and a Diploma of Higher Commercial Studies (HEC Paris ). He practiced as a lawyer from 1989 to 1995.
In office in Algeria since 2002, and after residing in Beni-Abbès and Tlemcen, he served as Vicar General of the diocese of Oran between 2005 and 2010, before being appointed Bishop of the same city in 2012.