“Solidarity of Algerian people with Saharawis emanates from fidelity to martyrs’ sacrifices,” Saïd El Ayachi stresses
By: Hana Saada
ALGIERS – The president of the Algerian national committee of support for the Saharawi people, Saïd El Ayachi affirmed, Sunday in Oran, that the solidarity of the Algerian people with the Saharawis in their struggle emanates from fidelity to the sacrifices of the martyrs who fought to make assert the principle of the right of peoples to self-determination.
In a speech delivered during a day of solidarity with the Saharawi people organized by the Algerian National Committee for the Support of the Saharawi People, Mr. El Ayachi indicated that ‘the solidarity of the Algerian people with the Saharawis is a fidelity to the sacrifices of the Algerian martyrs during the popular resistance that culminated in the Revolution of November 1, 1954, which put an end to the French colonial presence in Algeria’.
“The martyrs of Algeria sacrificed themselves for the principle of rejection of all forms of colonialism worldwide and Algeria, the day after its independence, out of fidelity to the principles for which the martyrs sacrificed themselves , supported the struggle of 15 liberation movements in Africa and others, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Sakia El Hamra and Oued Dhaheb (Polisario), which is still fighting for the self-determination of the Sahrawi people and has been able to obtain the recognition of more of 120 countries in the world, in addition to the recognition by the United Nations of the right of this people to self-determination”, he declared.
“Algeria, which respects international law and international legitimacy, calls on all countries in the world to respect this law, as well as the decisions and resolutions of the United Nations and the Security Council, in particular resolution 14/15 of December 1960, which recognizes the right of peoples to self-determination,” he added.
For his part, the Consul of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) in Algeria, Hamdi Khalil, hailed, in a speech, the constant position of Algeria in its support for the struggle of the Sahrawi people.
“A position of principle announced by Algeria since the founding of the Polisario, confirmed on the ground with its support in various forms and through the reception of Sahrawi children in Algeria by allowing them to study in its educational establishments”, he pointed out.
Khalil said National Chahid Day, which Algeria commemorates these days, is “a day for all free peoples worldwide, because the Algerian martyr lit the way through his sacrifices to other peoples in the world who suffered from oppression. Honoring the Algerian martyr is now a duty for all free peoples”.
Teachers from a number of universities in the country took turns, on this occasion, to underline the impact of the glorious Algerian war of liberation on a number of wars of liberation in the world, particularly in Africa, and the Algerian position which supported them after independence.
This meeting was organized by the University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed-Boudiaf of Oran, in coordination with the National Union of Algerian Students, the Laboratory of Public Policy and Regional Security of the University of Oran 2 Mohamed- Benahmed and the Historical Sources and Translations Research Laboratory at the University of Oran 1 Ahmed-Ben Bella.