The massacres of October 17, 1961 commemorated in Algiers

Exhibitions of archival documents and historical works, screenings of documentaries and conferences on the massacres of October 17, 1961 in Paris, will mark the celebration in Algiers of the 61st anniversary of this tragic episode of the war of national liberation.

As part of these activities planned until the end of October, the “Arts and Culture” establishment of the wilaya of Algiers has scheduled several activities around this colonial crime committed against Algerians who came out to demonstrate peacefully in Paris. against a discriminatory curfew.

On this occasion, the space of Bachir-Mentouri activities, hosts until Thursday an exhibition of photographs of mujahideen and martyrs, victims of violent police repression in Paris. In addition to the projection of a historical documentary, the space also offers an exhibition of books dealing with the war of national liberation and the events of October 17, 1961 in particular.

For its part, the “Agha” activity space houses an exhibition of photos of Algerian emigrants tortured by the police in Paris, press articles devoted to this significant event in the contemporary history of Algeria, in addition to historical books and journals.

Still in the same vein, Arts and Culture has scheduled a conference in Draria on the massacres of October 17, in addition to exhibitions of books and archival documents on this sad event, also commemorated through its spaces located to the west of the capital, particularly in Souidania and Mahalma, and through activities aimed at young people and children.

Ahmed Achour