The Ominous Silence: Makhzen’s Allegiance and Moroccan People’s Indifference Amidst Scandalous Mohammed VI Cartoon
BY: Hana Saada
ALGIERS- In an unprecedented move during Spain’s pre-legislative elections, the Obrero Front has launched a highly controversial banner, displaying a satirical cartoon that depicts the Moroccan King, Muhammad VI, engaging in a scandalously intimate act with Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez.
The banner, boldly stating “Mohammed VI votes for you,” was prominently hung on the side of a large residential building in a Madrid suburb. The caricature portrays the Moroccan King in a compromising position with the Spanish Prime Minister, alluding to rumors surrounding the king’s personal life.
What is particularly astonishing is the apparent silence from the Makhzen, which is conspiring with Pedro Sanchez against the Sahrawi people. Despite expectations of a strong response, the Makhzen remained conspicuously silent, leaving many to speculate about their intentions and motivations.
Equally surprising was the indifference shown by the Moroccan people to this perceived insult, which some critics argue is evidence of their continued subjugation under the legacy of French and Spanish colonialism.
This isn’t the first time the Front has used provocative imagery targeting King Muhammad VI and Pedro Sanchez. Just days prior, on July 7, they displayed a similar banner with the same slogan, emphasizing their staunch opposition to Moroccan expansionism and what they see as a dictatorship under King Muhammad VI.
Fermin Turia, a spokesperson for the Obrero Front, stood by the banner’s message, asserting, “In the face of Moroccan expansionism, and the dictatorship of Mohammed VI, the Spanish workers, the true patriots, say: You will not pass.”
The use of the color flag associated with homosexuality in the caricature adds another layer of complexity to the controversy.
During a recent debate between the two prominent prime ministerial candidates, Pedro Sanchez and opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo, tensions flared as the latter questioned Sanchez’s position on the Western Sahara issue. The opposition leader demanded transparency regarding the link between Sanchez’s adoption of Morocco’ stance and the controversial “Pegasus” program, which was previously in the news for potential misuse in surveillance activities.
Furthermore, Alberto Núñez Feijóo pressed Sanchez on whether Morocco influenced the dismissal of Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya. The Spanish public awaits answers on these important matters that could shape the country’s future relationships with Morocco and international affairs.