Prominent members of the World Amazigh Congress expressed their disavowal of the activities of the terrorist movement “MAK.” They also expressed their disapproval of the role played by Lounes Belkacem, the former Secretary General of the CMA, indicating that he intends to put an end to the smooth running of this movement in order to achieve the Makhzen’s agenda.
Nine members of the leadership of the World Amazigh Congress signed this statement, which is addressed to Amazighs around the world. To the Amazighs, International Public Opinion, and International Authorities
On March 14, 2025, a meeting of the World Bureau of the World Amazigh Congress (CMA) was held, where crucial issues concerning our organization and the situation of the Amazighs in the Tamazgha countries were discussed.
– Situation and Dysfunctions
During this meeting, the members of the Bureau examined the internal problems affecting our organization and emphasized the urgency of reestablishing the CMA in accordance with its guidelines, foundations, statutes, and internal regulations.
It was decided, by an absolute majority, to suspend Mr. Belkacem Lounes and Rabah Issadi from their respective mandates: the former as Secretary General, and the latter as Vice President for the Diaspora.
We wish to inform the public, both Amazigh and international, that these two individuals are no longer authorized to speak on behalf of the CMA.
Any statements or participation in meetings on their part cannot be taken to imply any commitment to our organization.
We also ask our partners, international bodies, and Amazigh associations not to respond to the requests of Belkacem Lounès and Rabah Issadi, who have been suspended from their duties within the CMA. Indeed, they have acted in violation of our statutes and internal regulations, resulting in serious consequences. They are the authors of initiatives that have damaged the credibility of the CMA and seriously undermined the Amazighs’ trust in our organization.
Furthermore, Mr. Belkacem Lounes and Issadi Rabeh made unilateral decisions without consulting the elected members of the Bureau and the Federal Council; they introduced individuals from outside the CMA, entrusting them with responsibilities that the latter used to violate our statutes. This is an instrumentalization of the CMA for purposes that harm our organization and the Amazigh cause.